Our FAQ’s for Competency Development Courses
Frequently Asked Questions

1. WHAT is the PRIMARY objective of our courses?

We have built a reputation over the past ~30 years of producing COMPETENT practitioners- people who have demonstrated to our satisfaction that they CAN and DO implement what they learn in our hands on, experiential based courses.
HOWEVER, because of Ebbinghaus’ “Forgetting Curve” and our inability to follow up to ensure they have tried and been successful APPLYING what they learned when they return to work, we do not recommend 2, 3, 4 or even 5-day workshops, especially if they are conducted online rather than “Face to Face”.
Doing Face to Face courses, we have developed WORKSHOPS so that approximately 50% of the class time is spent with the participants doing “hands on” workshops under the supervision, guidance and mentoring of our seasoned practitioners. Workshops are not very effective when done remotely as it is impossible to watch to see who is struggling much less help them progress.
HOWEVER, if this is what you think you really need and want, we have the ability to CUSTOMIZE a course on any subject related to Integrated Asset, Portfolio, Program and Project Management.
For the purposes of calculation, out of each 8-hour day, between coffee breaks and administrative details, normally we only get 7 hours of actual training per 8 hour day.
We have provided an Excel spreadsheet that we ask you to have the sponsors of your training fill in. This will help us develop a customized program designed to address the unique problems facing you and your organization.

To help you, we have conducted a sophisticated analysis of global help wanted advertisements using keyword software for some 8 common project management job titles and these are the results:
To help you, we have conducted a sophisticated analysis of global help wanted advertisements using keyword software for some 8 common project management job titles and these are the results:

Keyword Analysis of 8 Project Management Job Titles from Global Help Wanted Ads
Send the filled in Excel file along with the 1) the number of days, 2) the number of people you want trained, 3) the city & country you want the training to be held in and whether 4) you will provide the venue or do you want us to provide the venue to Sales@Proton.com.
Within 24 hours, we will get back to you with a firm fixed per person price along with a detailed curriculum built around the priorities you have established.
Understand the more information you can provide to us, the better we can prepare to deliver the results you desire, keeping in mind the constraints noted above.
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