Dr. Giammalvo

Dr. Paul D. Giammalvo, Ph.D., CDT, CCE, MScPM, MRICS, GPM-m
Dr. Paul D. Giammalvo, CDT, CCE (#1240), MScPM, MRICS is a Senior Technical Advisor (Project Management) to PT Mitratata Citragraha. (PTMC), Jakarta, Indonesia. He is noted for the development and presentation of graduate level, blended learning curricula designed for the mid-career path, English as Second Language (ESL) professionals to develop competency in the local practitioner and build capacity for the local organizations. For 28+ years, he has been providing Project Management training and consulting throughout South and Eastern Asia, the Middle East, West Africa and Europe.

He is also known and respected as an effective facilitator and research supervisor at the graduate and postgraduate level, with the majority of his work in this area being with English as Second Language (ESL) professionals.
Dr. Giammalvo holds an undergraduate degree in Construction Management, his Master of Science in Project Management through the George Washington University and was awarded his Ph.D. in Project and Program Management through the Institute Superieur De Gestion Industrielle (ISGI) and Ecole Superieure De Commerce De Lille (ESC-Lille)
Dr. Giammalvo holds dual citizenship-
USA- Expires June 2025
Italy- Expires May 2027
Project Management Professional #740 (PMP) Expired 1/2003
Certified Cost Engineer #1241 (CCE) Expired 9/2019
Construction Documents Technologist (CDT) Expires 1/2025
GAPPS Endorsed Assessor Expires 1/2025
IPMA (GPM) Endorsed Assessor Expires 12/2025
Master Green Project Manager (GPM-m) Expired 12/2016
Relevant Project Work:
2016 – 2019 Co-authored a book on the use of Multi-Dimensional WBS Structures as Enablers for Building Information Modeling (BIM) https://is.gd/ophpmm
2018- 2019 Set up Project Management Office (PMO)/Project Controls office for a major Kuwaiti based electrical and oil and gas contractor. https://is.gd/jRIZlN
2014 – 2017 Researched and was the primary author for ~650-page “body of knowledge” in applied project controls “best tested and proven practices” for the Guild of Project Controls Compendium and Reference. (GPCCAR) http://www.planningplanet.com/guild/GPCCAR-modules
2014 – 2017 Designed a 5 level, 4 track competency-based certification program for the Guild of Project Controls http://www.planningplanet.com/guild/certification then researched and wrote 2,000 questions based on the Iowa State Center of Excellence in Learning Revised Bloom’s Methodology- https://goo.gl/mFlHXZ
2000 – 2016 Set up Project Management Offices (PMO) and trained 12 project managers for Tetra Pak Asia, which is a packaging equipment manufacturer/installer, training their people to projectize their manufacturing and installation process using Job Order Contracting
2008 – 2009 Consultant to Malaysia Telecom- Set up a Project Management Office (PMO) and trained 20 MT employees for a 3 billion USD, 10 yearlong High-Speed Broadband Roll-Out project. This was an “end to end” project which included all aspects from marketing to engineering, procurement, and construction.
2004 – 2007 Consultant to Freeport McMoran Copper and Gold Mine, West Papua, Indonesia- Set up a Project Management Office and trained 30 existing employees as project control professionals who saved Freeport 65 million dollars in operating costs (CAPEX and OPEX funded projects) over a 4-year period. https://goo.gl/EPuA0u
1992- 1994 Caltex Pacific Indonesia, Rumbai Sumatra. Enhanced Oil Recovery Project, Minas Field, Sumatra. Created a Project Management Office (PMO) responsible for creating fully integrated EPC schedules incorporating the Engineering and Procurement functions provided by Caltex with the Construction work being done by the prime contractor, Tripatra.
1988 – 1992 Alyeska Pipeline Company, Anchorage Alaska.
Project Controls Manager:
Ballast Water Treatment Plan- Valdez, Alaska
DEW line Site Upgrades, Dead Horse, Alaska
Attigun Pass Pipeline Replacement Project
1983 – 1988 Construction Project Manager
St. Vincent Hospital, Worcester MA USA Masiello Construction
School of Nursing Living Quarters Rehabilitation and Update
Operating Theater Rehabilitation and Updates
Medical Supplies Warehouse and Automated Storage Facility
UMASS Medical Center School of Nursing
1979 – 1982 Project Controls Manager- Base Buildings, Negev Airbase Constructors Ovda Israel (Camp David Peace Accords) Responsible to schedule and coordinate engineering, procurement and construction for 359 structures for a large military airbase in a remote section of Israel
University Lecturer: (Adjunct Professor)
2017 to Present – SKEMA School of Business http://www.skema.edu/
Blended Learning Course Developed and Taught 65 day long blended learning course using K2 Learning Management System to 170 graduate level students.
SKEMA 15742– International Contract Management
This required course looks at all the major global standardized contracts (i.e., FIDIC, AIA, EJCDC, ConsensusDocs) and requires the students to compare and evaluate the various terms and conditions, policies or process steps in the context of case studies selected by the students.
2003 to 2009– Lille Graduate School of Management, Paris Campus, Paris, FRANCE www.esc-lille.com
Masters Degree in Project/Program Management (MsPPM) Program
Blended Learning Courses DEVELOPED and TAUGHT using Claroline software:
ISGI 700– Project Management Fundamentals (blended (combined face to face and distance) learning)
This required course explores the fundamentals of project management according to PRINCE2, PMI, AACE, IPMA, and AIPM, focusing on the basic terminology, processes and methodologies.
ISGI 705 – PMP Prep Course blended (combined face to face and distance) learning)
This elective graduate course was designed to prepare suitably qualified students to sit for and pass PMI’s CAPM or PMP credentials.
ISGI 715- Cost Engineering (blended (combined face to face and distance) learning)
This required graduate course teaches engineering economics in the context of a portfolio (asset) management; program (operations) and project management perspectives.
ISGI 740- International Development Project Management. (blended (combined face to face and distance) learning)
This elective graduate-level course focused on the process of identifying and funding projects from the perspective of the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UN Projects Office, USAID, AusAid and similar Multi- or Bi-lateral lending agencies or NGO’s. Included heavy focus on the use of the Logical Framework (LogFrame) process to identify and select projects.
Blended Learning Courses DEVELOPED and TAUGHT using Camtasia/WebCT:
2006 to 2008 University of Western Australia, Perth, AUSTRALIA, Adjunct Professor
Masters in Engineering Management, Major in Energy Systems Management Program
ASST8530- Strategic Asset Management (blended (combined face to face and distance) learning)
This graduate level course looks at the roles and responsibilities of the Asset Manager in his role of optimizing the return on assets through the initiation, planning, executing and controlling of projects in support of operations.
ASST8571- Project Management for the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Sector (blended (combined face to face and distance) learning)
This graduate level course is coordinated with Strategic Asset Management by taking a more detailed look at the roles and responsibilities of the project manager in the context of he/she is a businessperson, responsible for working with both asset and operations managers and, consistent with Sarbanes Oxley, not focus on the project without taking into consideration all stakeholders, especially the shareholders.
Traditional Face to Face Classroom Training:
University of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska, USA,
Masters in Engineering Management, Major in Construction Management Program
1989 to 1992
Advanced Primavera Scheduling (traditional face to face learning)
This graduate level course was designed and presented for evening graduate students to familiarize themselves not only how to run Primavera Scheduling Software but to actually use the full power of the software to better manage their projects.
PMP Prep Course (traditional face to face learning)
This graduate level course was developed and conducted for the evening graduate students to prepare for and pass the Project Management Institute’s Project Management Professional Certification Examination.
Other University Specific Seminars/Symposia on Project Management include:
University of Tarumanangara | Indonesia |
Institute Teknologi Bandung | Indonesia |
Atma Jaya University | Indonesia |
Gadjah Mada University | Indonesia |
Parahyangan University | Indonesia |
Doctor of Philosophy in Project/Program Management
Institute Superieur De Gestion Industrielle (ISGI) and Ecole Superieure De Commerce De Lille (ESC-Lille) Graduated, August, 2007
Master of Science in Project Management,
The George Washington University, January 2003 3.63 cumulative average
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BET)
Major- Construction Management/Real Estate Development
Central New England College of Technology, June 1974 3.75 cumulative average. Magna Cum Laude graduate.
Peer Reviewer, International Journal of Project Management
Endorsed Competency Assessor, Global Project Management Standards
Approved Competency Assessor, Green Project Management (IPMA)
“Business Analyst, Cost Engineer, Project Manager, and Systems Engineer Compared – A Key Word Analysis of Current Job Descriptions To Analyze Project Management Related Job Roles and Responsibilities” (2017) PM World Journal featured paper Vol. VI, Issue I – January 2017
“Developing and Delivering Competency Based Training Using Project Based Learning” (2015) University of Maryland, Project Management Center of Excellence.
“Project Control/Project Controller Defined: A Key Word Analysis of Current Job Descriptions as the Basis for Exam and Competency Assessment Scoring Models.”
“Project Management Credentials Compared- A Follow-Up Analysis 2016” PM World Journal featured paper Vol. V, Issue I2 – December 2016
“Project Management Credentials Compared- A Follow-Up Analysis 2015” PM World Journal featured paper Vol. IV, Issue I – January 2015
“Project Management Credentials Compared- A Follow-Up Analysis 2014” PM World Journal featured paper Vol. III, Issue I – January 2014
“Do Small to Medium Sized General Contractors Comply with ANSI 748? If yes, how, if no, how not?” PM World Journal, featured paper, Vol. II, Issue IV – April 2013
“A Practical Look at How Private Sector Entrepreneurial Contractors use Earned Value.” PM World Journal featured paper, Vol. II, Issue VII – July 2013
“Project Management Credentials Compared- A Follow-Up Analysis” PM World Journal featured paper Vol. II, Issue II – February 2013
“Creating a Competency Assessment for Cost Estimators” PM World Journal featured paper Vol. I, Issue II – September 2012
“Using Behavioral Profiling to Identify “Successful” Project Managers.” PM World Journal featured paper Vol. I – Issue I – August 2012
“Is project management a profession? And if not, what is it?” (2011) Microsoft Project Users Group (MPUG)
Co-Authored “Multi-Dimensional Project Breakdown Structures – The Secret to Successful Building Information Modeling (BIM) Integration “ ISBN-10: 1948149125 ISBN-13: 978-1948149129
Primary Researcher/Author/Editor- Guild of Project Controls Compendium and Reference (GPCCAR)
“Wideman’s Comparative Glossary of Project Management Terms” Translated from English to Indonesian” with Utomo, Teguh, Wibiksana, R., Ernanto, Utaryo, R.,Purnomo, A., Hastadi, U. Giammalvo, P, Editor., 2006 General Info Media
“The Handbook of People in Project Management,” Chapter 27 “Behavioral Traits of Successful Project Managers,” Gower Publishing 2013.
Commercial “Open Enrollment”2-day Seminars/Symposia in collaboration with Marcus Evans-
Bangkok, Thailand Basic Cost Estimating and CPM Scheduling
Bangkok, Thailand Advanced Cost Estimating/Earned Value Management
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Basic Cost Estimating and CPM Scheduling
Melbourne, Australia Basic Cost Estimating and CPM Scheduling
Perth, Australia Basic Cost Estimating and CPM Scheduling
Sydney, Australia Advanced Cost Estimating/Earned Value Management
Wellington, New Zealand Advanced Cost Estimating/Earned Value Management
Jakarta, Indonesia Fundamentals of Asset Management
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Advanced Cost Estimating/Earned Value Management
Jakarta, Indonesia Strategic Asset Management
Doha, Qatar Advanced Cost Estimating/Earned Value Management
Manassa, Bahrain Advanced Cost Estimating/Earned Value Management
Commercial “Open Enrollment” 2-3 day Seminars/Symposia in collaboration with other training providers
2003 to Present
Papua New Guinea Advanced Integrated Project Management
Advanced Cost Estimating
Advanced Project Controls
Dubai, UAE Introduction to the Total Cost Management Framework
Brisbane, Australia Advanced Cost Estimating/Earned Value Management
Jakarta, Indonesia Implementing a PMO- A Case Study from Freeport McMoran
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia All You Need to Know About Designing and Implementing a PMO
Shanghai, PR China Advanced Project Management for Engineers
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Competency Assessment for Project and Program Managers
Shanghai, China Advanced Cost Engineering Topics
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Advanced Cost Engineering for Oil, Gas and Mining Sector
Manila, Philippines Commissioning Project Management
In-House Competency Development Programs for Commercial Clients-
The majority of my in-house training programs are to build capacity in their indigenous local professionals. Specifically, to help prepare mid-career path professional practitioners in Fortune 500 companies and NGO organizations to develop sufficient applied competency to sit for internationally recognized certifications in project management/project controls and have some reasonable chance of passing. These certifications include, but are not limited to:
Project Management Institute’s (PMI) www.pmi.org
Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
Project Management Professional (PMP) Exam Prep
Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering International’s (AACEi) www.aacei.org
Certified Cost Consultant/Cost Engineer (CCC/CCE) Credential
Earned Value Professional (EVP) Credential
Planning and Scheduling Professional (PSP) Credential
Cost Estimating Professional (CEP)
Guild of Project Controls Multi-Level Competency Based Certifications in Project Controls- http://www.planningplanet.com/guild/apply
The majority of the clients were Asian, Middle Eastern, North or Western Africa, most of whom speak English as a Second Language. (ESL)
1989 – 2017 client list for competency development leading up to PMI, AACE, INCOSE or Guild of Project Controls Certifications:
Ericsson | Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Philippines |
AT&T | Singapore |
Nokia | Asia Pacific, Europe |
Dames & Moore | Indonesia |
UN Projects Office | Malaysia |
General Motors | Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok, India, USA,Japan |
Lucent Technologies | Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur, Philippines |
Unocal | Thailand, Indonesia |
IPS | Singapore |
Chevron | Indonesia, Australia and Nigeria |
Freeport McMoran | Indonesia |
ARIAWEST (US West) | Indonesia |
BP | Indonesia and Alaska |
ARCO | Indonesia and Alaska |
SNC Lavalin | Indonesia |
Holden Auto | Australia |
Pertamina | Indonesia |
Petronas Carigali | Malaysia, Indonesia |
Shell Oil | Malaysia and Nigeria |
Turbo services | Malaysia |
Powertek Berhad | Malaysia |
Amerada HESS | Malaysia |
BASF | Malaysia |
Sabah Electricity | Malaysia |
Alcatel | Malaysia |
SIEMENS | Malaysia, Indonesia |
Continental Sime Tyre | Malaysia |
Conoco Phillips | Malaysia, Indonesia |
Indocement | Indonesia |
Lafarge Semen Andalas | Indonesia |
Tetrapak | Indonesia |
ING Insurance | Indonesia |
Jatis Solution | Indonesia |
Saipem | Indonesia |
Goldman Sachs | Tokyo, Hongkong |
Chevron | Singapore |
Foster Wheeler | Singapore |
Nacap | Thailand |
GRD Minproc | Australia |
Kaltim Prima Coal | Indonesia |
BAE Systems | Australia |
Hilton Hotels | Dubai UEA |
ElectraNet | Australia |
Rockwell Automation | Malaysia |
TL Offshore | Malaysia |
Petronas Gas | Malaysia |
Ranhill Worley | Malaysia |
OGP Technical Service Sdn Bhd | Malaysia |
CORROCOAT | Australia |
M M H E | Malaysia |
Crescent | Australia |
Advent CGS | Malaysia |
MACMAHON | Australia |
Schlumberger | Malaysia |
Aspec Engineering Pty Ltd | Australia |
MMC Oil & Gas Engineering | Malaysia |
NILSEN | Australia |
Nokia Siemens Network Nigerian National Oil Company Papuan Department of Public Works | Asia Pacific Nigeria Papua New Guinea |
Pro Bono training on International Development Project Management includes:
Tsunami Disaster Rebuilding Effort, Colombo, Sri Lanka, sponsored by the Sri Lankan Chapter of the Project Management Institute, March 2004
Tsunami Disaster Rebuilding Effort, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, sponsored by PTMC for Agency of the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction for the Region and Community of Aceh and Nias (BRR) February and April 2005
Highly Competent Subject Areas
Setting up Project Controls/Project Management Offices/Project Support Offices
Earned Value Management (Value for Money)
Activity Based Costing/Activity Based Management
Integrated Portfolio, Program and Project Management
Claims Analysis, Prevention, and Defense
Incentive Contracting Methods
Top Down and Bottom Up Cost Estimating Methods
Professional References:
References provided on request.
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