6 Month Course
Integrated Asset, Portfolio, Program, and Project Management Course (6 months)

1. WHAT is the PRIMARY objective of our courses?
This course is designed to develop COMPETENCY in applied asset, portfolio, program, and project management tools, techniques, and methodology for practitioners generating a measurable, favorable return on training investment for both the professional practitioner and for the organization that sponsors them.
2. WHAT is the SECONDARY objective of this course?
To prepare for and pass a MINIMUM of one (or more) of the five possible AACE Certifications. And optionally, if they so desire, to adequately prepare to pass one or more of the PMI and/or Guild of Project Controls certifications. (See below for more specifics)
3. HOW does this course generate a favorable return on investment to the sponsoring organization?
Because this course has been designed to use the participants actual day to day work responsibilities as the basis for their case studies, not only is the training “just in time,” but by applying what they are learning in real-time, the sponsoring organization is realizing benefit while the participants are in the course. That is, they do not need to graduate before the sponsor can see the benefits of the training.
Furthermore, because each participant is using their own case studies from their working environment under the watchful eyes of our expert mentor/facilitators, the training is also part consulting as the mentor/facilitator provides expert guidance and advice.
4. HOW do we build competency?
The only way to build competency is by practicing using the tools and techniques associated with asset, portfolio, program, or project management under real-life conditions.
The course is based on the tested and proven concept of “Project-Based Learning” https://www.pblworks.org/what-is-pbl/gold-standard-project-design and has been designed specifically for adult learners who are working full time. This course is also consistent with Kirkpatrick Level 3 and with follow on organizational support and analysis, Kirkpatrick Level 4. http://www.kirkpatrickpartners.com/OurPhilosophy/tabid/66/Default.aspx
5. WHO should consider attending?
This course has been designed for those actively involved in or responsible for asset, portfolio, program, or project management.
This includes planner/schedulers, cost estimators, cost engineers, risk analysts, project controllers, business analysts, systems engineers and those preparing feasibility studies, and their first and second-level managers. (Team leaders/Project Control Managers, Project, Program, Portfolio, and Asset Managers.)
6. Is this course focused only on developing the technical skills- the tools and techniques- we need to master as professional asset, portfolio, program, operations, or project managers?
NO. While the course content is primarily technical in nature, the course has been designed to also help develop the SOFT SKILLS- https://www.naceweb.org/about-us/press/2017/the-key-attributes-employers-seek-on-students-resumes/
Problem Solving
Team Building
Communications (especially WRITTEN communications)
Conflict Resolution
Making things happen- getting people to do what needs to be done when you have little or no formal authority over them.
As 100% of this course (~26 weeks) will be run in “Distance Learning Mode,” participants will be working as a “Virtual Team,” and this is an opportunity to develop competencies working using collaborative software platforms, such as Google Groups, Zoom, Skype in a multi-cultural, multi-lingual environment.
7. WHAT are the minimum requirements to participate?
As this is an experiential-based program, it is NOT suitable or appropriate for people with little or no experience. The MINIMUM requirements are:
8 years of documented asset, program, portfolio, or project work experience OR
A 4-year technical degree and 4 years of asset, program, portfolio, or project management experience.
8. WHAT is the level of effort required? (See detailed curriculum for more details)
As this is a two semester-long (26 week) GRADUATE LEVEL (500 series) blended learning program (combined face to face and distance learning mode), it will require:
8 days (~64-70 hours) of traditional face to face classroom time spread over about 180 days
5 Day Kick-Off Session (MINIMUM 8 hours X 5 days = 40 hours)
3 Day Final Review Session (MINIMUM 8 hours X 3 days = 24 hours)
Total Face to Face Time (MINIMUM) = 64 hours
~140 – 210 hours of individual homework/team assignments during the distance learning mode. (Approximately 2-3 hours of homework for each hour of face to face classroom time)
This works out to be, on average, 1-2 hours of homework per day during the distance learning mode.
Consistent with any graduate-level university course, the total “Level of Effort” for any individual ranges between 210 and 280 person-hours spread over 180 days. (~5 classroom + 205 homework = 210 to ~70 classroom + 210 homework = 280 hours)
9. WHAT certifications does this course prepare the participants to sit for?
This course qualifies successful graduates to sit for ANY or ALL of the following AACE and/or PMI and/or the International Council of Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and/or Guild or Project Controls and/or Green Project Management Certifications. IF the individual successfully completes this course with a grade of 80% or better, they stand a better than average chance of passing any one of or all of the following exams you qualify for.
AACE Certifications- http://web.aacei.org/certification
Certified Cost Engineering Professional (CCP)
Planning and Scheduling Professional (PSP)
Earned Value Professional (EVP)
Cost Estimating Professional (CEP)
Decision & Risk Management Professional (DRMP)
Guild of Project Controls Certifications- http://www.planningplanet.com/guild/certification
Foundation Level Planner/Scheduler, Cost Manager, Forensic Claims Analyst, or Project Controller
Proficient Level Planner/Scheduler, Cost Manager, Forensic Claims Analyst or Project Controller
Advanced Level Planner/Scheduler, Cost Manager, Forensic Claims Analyst, or Project Controller
Expert Level Planner/Scheduler, Cost Manager, Forensic Claims Analyst, or Project Controller
Fellow Level Planner/Scheduler, Cost Manager, Forensic Claims Analyst, or Project Controller
Construction Management Association-
Certified Construction Manager- https://www.cmaanet.org/certification/ccm
International Council of Systems Engineering-
10. What is the certification pass rate for this course?
PTMC maintains a 5-year running first attempt pass rate for the successful graduates of our courses.
PMI Certifications-
88% first attempt pass rate for English as Second Language (ESL) sitting for the PMP
99% first attempt pass rate for native/near-native speakers of English
AACE Certifications-
82.4% first attempt pass rate for successful graduates sitting for the CCP (Formerly CCC/CCE) (compare against 67.1% overall as published by AACE)
87.5% first attempt pass rate for successful graduate sitting for the EVP (compare against 53.7% overall as published by AACE)
84.2% first attempt pass rate for successful graduates sitting for the PSP (compare against 65.6% overall as published by AACE)
81.8% first attempt pass rate for successful graduates sitting for the CEP (compare against 48.6% overall as published by AACE)
Guild of Project Control Certifications-
100% First Attempt Pass Rate
11. Can PTMC guaranty I will pass any of the above certifications?
NO, there is no way PTMC can or will guaranty you will be able to pass any of them. That depends solely on your commitment, dedication, and perseverance to finish the course and complete all your work assignments with a grade of B (80%) or better.
12. What does PTMC guaranty?
What we do guaranty is that you have been provided with sufficient materials to adequately prepare for any or all of the PMI, AACE, or INCOSE certifications and that if you invest an honest one to two hours per day on average of dedicated, graduate-level study, that you stand a better than average probability of passing at least one if not more than one of the certification exams.
We also guaranty that you will get the individual attention of Dr. Paul or one of our other qualified professors and that IF you are unable to finish the course for ANY reason, that PTMC will hold open a seat in another course for a period of 12 months from the time you dropped out, at no additional cost for the training. If you opt to attend the second face-to-face session, there will be a nominal charge to cover your lunch and coffee breaks.
13. WHAT topics are covered in this course?
The course covers all the topics contained in AACE’s 11R-88 Skills and Knowledge of Cost Engineers http://web.aacei.org/docs/default-source/toc/toc_11r-88.pdf and the Guild of Project Controls Compendium and Reference, http://www.planningplanet.com/guild/GPCCAR-modules with a focus on the INTEGRATION of these roles and responsibilities across and within the organization. (AACE’s 11R-88 was used as the checklist for the Guild’s Compendium and Reference)

14. HOW MUCH does this course cost?
The specific cost will depend on the number of participants and the location where the training will be held. However, this course compares very favorably for similar graduate-level capstone or master certificate courses at top-ranked universities (e.g., The George Washington University Online Masters Degree in Project Management (which forms the basis for this course) is the equivalent of 6 credit hours of graduate-level work. The cost of a credit hour for the GWU Distance Learning program is $1,825 https://studentaccounts.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs3741/f/downloads/FY22%20GWSB%20FINAL.pdf for budgeting purposes only, if you allow 6 credit hours X $1,825 = $10,950 per person, understanding that this is a P98% number and that the actual cost will vary, depending on location, number of participants and whether it is conducted in your facility or at a hotel or outside the venue. Purely online will be considerably less.
15. This seems EXPENSIVE.
IF you remember that this course is very customized and is half training/half consulting, with each student receiving the personal attention of the Facilitator/Mentor, by breaking it down on an hourly basis per person, it will make much more sense. $10,950 / average 250 hours = $43.80 per hour of facilitated and mentored training per individual participant. IF you are making comparisons, please do it based on cost per hour per person of training received. And also, keep in mind that the $10,950 is a P98 value, meaning the quote for your location is most likely to be lower.
16. I am paying for this course out of my pocket. Is there anything PTMC will do to help me generate a return on my training investment?
IF you are paying for this course out of your pocket AND your company is not reimbursing you, PTMC considers you our client and will provide all reasonable efforts to facilitate you in finding work after successfully completing the course and getting certified.
However, under no circumstances can we guaranty you a job after completing the course, whether you get certified or not.
17. My company is paying for me to take this training OR is reimbursing me for having taken this training after successfully completing the course. If I am unhappy with my company, will PTMC help me find a new job?
IF your company is paying for your training OR is reimbursing you for your expenses in taking this course, then our client is the organization providing the funding, and under those circumstances, we CANNOT and WILL not help you leave the organization which paid for your training. IF you quit from that company, complete your contract, or are terminated, AFTER you are done working for them, and are unemployed, THEN we will do whatever we can to help you find work. But under no circumstances can we or will we help people find work while you are still employed by any company which has paid for your training. Why not? Because our core philosophy is we want the sponsoring organization to be able to realize a favorable return on their training investment in you, and to help you leave a company after they have paid for your training would be highly unethical, if not illegal.
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